Two comics from December 31, 2013. Plus your Nerd Confessions (about favorite character teams) and Aaron's Inner Child.
On The Couch: Amy Reeder and Brandon Montclare.
Show Notes:
Go ahead and blame Andrea for the lousy sound quality this week. She's very sorry.
She's also on vacation, enduring freakishly cold temperatures on the east coast. Forgive her?
Theme of the show is there’s no 'I' in team. Comic books are full of teams, some more successful than others. Some of us (read: Andrea) are suckers for the brooding guy in the leather jacket who usually isn’t much of a team player. But almost everyone loves a great superhero team book (specially if the brooding guy is forced to play nice with others and reveal his secret heart of gold). So why is that? Why do we gravitate towards these extreme personalities in extreme situations? Because it’s fun. And it’s often a recipe for damn good storytelling.
Guardians of the Galaxy #10 19:27
Sometimes teams are just for marketing.
Catalyst Comix #7 32:30
And other times, teams are a little more cerebral.
The Couch - Amy Reeder and Brandon Montclare 43:17
Artist Amy Reeder and writer Brandon Montclare are the creators of Rocket Girl, published by Image Comics. Brandon and Amy also collaborated on the well received one-shot Halloween Eve published last year by Image. They’ve been working together for a number of years, but have really hit their stride as a creative pair with Rocket Girl, the third issue of which is out this week. Amy's English-language manga Fool's Gold was published by Tokyopop. She also drew Madame Xanado for Vertigo, which Brandon edited. Brandon was an editor with Tokyopop and DC Comics/Vertigo before moving to the writing side full-time.

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This weeks Intro Is Queen - We Are The Champions:
This weeks Outro Is LORDE - Team:
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