Two comics from August 27, 2014. Plus Regression Therapy (about DC and Marvel, go figure).
On The Couch: writer Joe Casey.
Show Notes:
This week’s theme is one part respect my authority, one part know your enemies. We’re looking at two comics where the organizations in power are characters in and of themselves. Where the members of said organizations are guided and influenced, for better or for worse, by their affiliation. Where the greater good is wildly up for debate and where absolute power just might corrupt absolutely. We’d like to believe that super powered authorities would have our super best interests in mind, but in comics that’s definitely not the case.
C.O.W.L. #4 13:17
Superhero union negotiations in 1960s Chicago. When the super law of the land is an official - and public - part of the political machine, corruption is included.
Superhero union negotiations in 1960s Chicago. When the super law of the land is an official - and public - part of the political machine, corruption is included.
Mind MGMT #25 26:07
Sometimes managing the super talented is secondary to using them to manage the regular folks. But when the shadowy organization designed to do that falls apart, chaos reigns for all.
Sometimes managing the super talented is secondary to using them to manage the regular folks. But when the shadowy organization designed to do that falls apart, chaos reigns for all.
The Couch - writer Joe Casey 41:15
Joe has written for Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse among others, and his creator-owned works like Godland, The Bounce and Sex have been published through Image Comics. His development and production company Man of Action created Ben 10 and Generator Rex, both on the Cartoon Network, and produced and story edited Ultimate Spider-Man and Marvel's Avenger’s Assemble on Disney XD. Just recently he picked up the reigns on the new Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers ongoing published by Dynamite Entertainment, and at the Image Expo that kicked off San Diego Comic Con, he announced his newest creator-owned book Valhalla Mad.
Songs for the segment transitions are variations of "I Fought The Law" by the following artists:
Nanci Griffith
Bobby Fuller Four
The Clash
The Dead Kennedys
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This week's intro: Public Enemy - Fight The Power:
This week's outro: David Bowie - Queen Bitch: